Fuel Cell Links
Note: Links on this page will take you away from fueleconomy.gov to other websites.
Currently Available (limited areas)
Official site
Official site
Official site
Brief overview of fuel cell vehicles provided by DOE's Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC)
On-line tool developed by AFDC that helps consumers find fueling stations for alternative fuels based on fuel type and location
California Fuel Cell Partnership map of hydrogen stations that are open, under development, or planned in California
Federal and state incentives and laws that help build and maintain a market for hydrogen and fuel and vehicles
A short discussion of hydrogen, its production, and its uses as an energy carrier (Energy Information Administration [EIA])
A series of fact sheets about hydrogen and fuel cells provided by DOE's Fuel Cell Technologies Office
Information on advanced transportation technologies and fuels, including hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) partnership to advance clean transportation nationwide
DOE office that conducts comprehensive efforts to overcome the technological, economic, and institutional obstacles to the widespread commercialization of fuel cells and related technologies
DOE office developing more energy efficient and environmentally friendly highway transportation technologies
Collaboration of industry and government working together to expand the commercial market for FCVs and hydrogen
Industry trade organization dedicated to the commercialization of fuel cells and hydrogen energy technologies
A public-private partnership to promote the commercial introduction and widespread adoption of FCVs across America
Umbrella organization of Chrysler, Ford and General Motors formed to further strengthen the technology base of the domestic auto industry through cooperative, pre-competitive research